BVC invitation.
Quint Studer defines a vibrant community as a place where young people can stay home after college and still fulfill their potential, a place that attracts talent and private investments, a place where strong tax base leads to financial health. A place that’s safe and clean with a great education system. The study is based on Quint Studer’s book that inspired the name of the study.

Building a Vibrant Community graduates. (Not Pictured: Commissioner Wyatt)

Graduates from the first Building A Vibrant Community Curriculum study.
If you are interested in staying apprised of The Development Group initiatives and being empowered to lead in community revitalization, consider committing to the next 6-week study of “Building a Vibrant Community”. Your commitment is every Monday from January 29 – March 4th, 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. at 107 E. Main Street, Wauchula.